Important Dates

February 19-23 - Winter Recess,  School closed

February 26 - Session 2 of the Lunch Program begins

March 2 - PTA Family Fun Night, 6-8 pm

March 16 - Kindergarten Concert Parent Performance, 8:45 am

March 26-30 - Spring Recess, School closed


CET Newsletter February 16, 2018 

Message from the Principal, Mrs. Kelly Maloney

Dear CET Families,

Happy 101st  day of school! We have had back to back celebrations this week with the Valentine’s Day, the 100th Day, and the Chinese New Year!  As always you can check out what we have been doing at #CETelementary. If you don’t want to start a Twitter account, you can always see our tweets on our CET webpage. Go to .  

Our most recent PTA Principal’s Coffee was on the topic of coding, engineering, and robotics. Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vlad and our librarian, Mrs. McManus talked about how these topics are incorporated into classroom and library learning experiences.  Their slide show presentation can be found on our CET web page. I would also suggest you check out Mrs. McManus’s web page (under “teacher pages” on the CET webpage). She has links to some child-friendly coding sites. With the adoption of new science standards, NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards , in December 2016, all of our K-4 science units need to be revised. The implementation of the new standards is a multiple year transition, and Science 21 , the integrated science curriculum that we use to teach science, has already revised the kindergarten and first grade curriculum. Next year, second grade will transition to new science units of study.  The new standards incorporate engineering practices. There is an expectation for students to ask questions based on observations, and to plan and carry out investigations to answer those questions or test solutions.  Our first grade students are currently studying light and sound waves while our kindergarten students are beginning their forces and interactions (pushes and pulls) unit.  Ask your child what they are currently studying in science.  

Thank you to our PTA executive board (Elizabeth Hiller, Hannelise Kratchman, Jennie Greer, Meredith Hertlein, Sarah Jacobson, and Ana Teague)  and to Joanna Straub, food coordinator, for their diligent hard work and effort with researching the feasibility of continuing our lunch program. I am pleased to report that the lunch program will continue! Please get your orders in today!  

I hope that you enjoy the February break and the upcoming snowstorm!!!



News from the Assistant Principal, Mrs. Kerri Bianchi

Believe it or not, CET spring Parent/ Teacher conferences will be here before we know it.  This year CET will hold two afternoon conference days and one evening conference time.  Friday, April 20 th and Thursday, April 26 th will be early dismissal days at CET.  Students will be dismissed at 10:45 and Parent/Teacher conferences will run from 12:00-3:00pm.  Evening conferences will be held on Thursday, April 26 th from 5:00-8:00pm.  As in the past, a link will be available on the CET home page for you to sign up for a conference time.  When signing up for a Parent/Teacher conference please be courteous of others’ schedules and do not sign up for an evening conference if you had an evening conference in the fall.  A K12 alert will be sent when the link is available for you to sign up for your spring conference.

Message from Lauren Fitzgerald, School Psychologist

Talking to Children About Hard Topics

Back in October, I wrote the below article about having difficult conversations with your children. Unfortunately, I feel like I must share this information again after the tragic events that transpired this past week in Florida. Having difficult conversations with your children is never easy and sometimes there really is no “right” way to talk about certain topics. However, with the increasing amount of natural disasters and violence occurring in our country and around the world today, it is necessary to become more confident approaching these types of conversations with one another and more importantly, with your children. For most difficult conversations, general guidelines include reiterating the fact that your child is safe and trying as best as you can to keep a predicable schedule for your family. This helps to alleviate any anxiety your child may be feeling about his/her everyday life. Another general guideline includes being honest with your children in an age-appropriate manner. You want to speak openly about topics, but also cautious when covering details that are anxiety provoking based on your child’s age. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has provided some guidelines for speaking to children about violence and natural disasters. Attached are two articles that I have found helpful and I hope you will too. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any further support.

Please See:

  Message from Christine Martins, School Nurse

Hello Parents!  I hope that this newsletter finds you and your household in good health.  Over the past few weeks, many of our students here at CET have been sick with flu-like symptoms.  The main complaints have been fevers, cough and fatigue.  Flu can be diagnosed via symptoms or lab test.  

So, what exactly is the flu?  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the flu is a “contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza viruses”.  To read up more on the different types of influenza virus, check out this link: .  Flu season can last from early Fall to late Spring.  The flu can be a mild case, or severe.  Typical flu symptoms are fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, fatigue, body aches.  (Please keep in mind that some people who get sick with the flu do not get fevers!)  Per the CDC, the flu virus is “spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.”  

Please keep your child home if he or she is showing signs of the flu or any illness.  This is with everyone’s best interests in mind.  If your child is sick or unwell, they won’t be able to focus in class and will most probably have a miserable day…  You will also be exposing everybody in the school to whatever your child is sick with.  Classmates, teachers, staff as well as their own households.  Many of our staff members have young children and babies of their own at home.  Others care for their elderly parents.  Young children and the elderly are more susceptible to the flu.  

The best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu is by prevention; namely, vaccination.  While this season’s flu vaccine does not seem to be as effective as previous seasons, it is still beneficial to get the shot!!  ANY amount of protection is better than ZERO protection!  Getting the flu shot will help lessen your chances of getting sick with the flu and it might also lessen the severity and duration of the illness if you were to get sick.  Remember, flu season can last until May!!  Speak to your doctor if you or a family member has not received the flu shot yet this season.  Side note- it does take a couple of weeks after receiving the flu shot for flu antibodies to develop in the body; in other words, for the flu shot to become “effective”. 

Another way of preventing the flu from hitting home is by preventing the spread of germs.  The CDC has posted this article on practicing “six good health habits” to help prevent illness: .  These six health habits are simple and easy to follow.  They include:  avoiding close contact with sick people, staying home when sick to help prevent spreading the illness, covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and throwing used tissues in the trash, washing hands often… 

Here in the nurse’s office, we also do our part to help prevent the spread of germs.  In between each student, we wash our hands with either soap and water or Purell.  Our desks, counters, cots, light switches, thermometers, stethescopes… are cleaned with germicidal wipes.  I also review proper handwashing techniques with students when they come in to the office and have them wash their hands. 

Please visit the Center for Disease Control for more information on influenza:



We know that many of you have been asking questions about the PTA run lunch program and may have been holding off from ordering for the second semester, as it was unclear if the program would in fact run again.

We are very happy to report that after some intense research, different consultations and many other considerations, we have decided to continue the lunch program for the foreseeable future.

We therefore would like to remind you to Sign up for Session 2 of the  CET PTA lunch program.  Orders are due today Friday, February 16th  online only at 

(If you do not have access to a computer, please call Lisa Fitzgerald in the CET Main Office, at 914-271-5184, ext. 3214.

Don't miss a chance to have a lunch date with your child!  Flexible shifts available.   WE ESPECIALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS FROM  NOON to 1:30 PM. Get info and signup at

We would also like to thank Heather Ilardi, her team of helpers, and all the other volunteers that helped make our PARP event last Friday evening such a fun event! Great job ladies!

We have not been able to secure a date for our Family Fun night yet, but watch this space. Please email us at if you want to be on the planning team for this event. 

As you may know, Dr. Fuhrman is retiring this year. A representative from our PTA will be a part of the Superintendent Search Interviewing process. As a PTA representative, we will have the opportunity to ask two questions. We would like to encourage everyone to send us suggestions or specific questions they may feel need to be answered by the candidates.  Please send us your questions by the February 22 nd to 

And as always, please establish the CET PTA as your not for profit organization on  Amazon Smile Also, don't forget us when you use Shutterfly, Box Tops, and Oliver's labels as they are easy ways to help our PTA raise funds for enrichments.  


Students who reside in Croton and will be 5 years old before December 1, 2018 are eligible to attend kindergarten, If you are in need of a kindergarten registration packet and/or an appointment, please contact:

Gail Anzovino, Secretary to the Principal

914-271-5184 ext.3212



Our Jump Rope For Heart event is here!  Please help your students register and take our heart healthy challenge at and search for Carrie E. Tompkins to join our team or download the APP.  Just for signing up to save lives, your students will earn a free glow in the dark wristband! You can start raising awareness and donations to earn this year’s Life-Saving Scare Squad Monsters.  Did you know the monsters come to life on the APP?  Our goal is to have 100% of our students taking their heart healthy challenge online! In addition, our school will earn FREE PE equipment from the American Heart Association.



Change your phone nymber recently? Have a new emergency contact?

To be sure we have the most up-to-date information for you and your child, you may access K-12 Alerts by either logging on to the CET Homepage where you will find "Parent Portal/K-12 Alerts" or by accessing the Croton-Harmon School District's Homepage and clicking on "Parent and Resident Portal/K-12 Alerts". Once you log in to the K-12 Alert System, you will be able to make aby necessary changes to your or your child's information.

If you have any questions, please contact Denise Cuomo, 914-271-4793, ext. 4200.

Children's Dental Health Month - February 2018

The 9th District Dental Association is conducting a poster contest for "Children's Dental Health Month 2018". The Contest is open to all students K-12 and entries are to be received on or before Friday, March 9th.  To submit your entry and/or have any questions regarding rules, awards, etc., please write to:

Ninth District Dental Association

364 Elwood Avenue

Hawthrone, NY 10532


2018 Experience Science, Technology & Innovation Annual Fair

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Croton Harmon High School

5:30 - 7:30 pm

All K-12 students are eligible to participate in many different ways. You can create a project or just come to the fair and share your curiosity with friends and family. Students can sign up by using our simple student sign up form at 

K12 Alerts
Patented (U.S. Patent No. 8,180,274)
K12 Alerts

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